Encaustic Workshops in Boulder, Colorado

Basic Encaustic
An introductory techniques workshop for artists of all levels.

Encaustic Transfer
An intermediate techniques workshop for artists who want to transfer photographic images to an encaustic surface.

Continuing Encaustic
Continuing Encaustic (formerly Open Paint) is an ongoing schedule of painting classes for artists who’ve taken Basic Encaustic and would like to do more.
Encaustic has a plasticity and charisma that seduces the hand and the eye. Learn the basics in Basic Encaustic, an introductory techniques workshop for artists of all levels. Ready to go beyond the beginning? Sign up for Encaustic Transfer, an intermediate image transfer workshop for artists who would like to learn a range of encaustic transfer techniques. Or try Open Paint, an ongoing and flexible schedule of painting workshops for artists who’ve taken an introductory workshop and would like to explore more on their own. Private sessions available on request. Email me for more information.