Happy Thanksgiving 2018

“Small White Blossom,” wood engraving, 2018
The print to the left is a tiny wood engraving. At 1.5″ x 2″ it’s smaller in real life than it appears here. One of the joys of the last year for me – something I feel thankful for – has been rediscovering relief printmaking, a process I explored and loved as a younger person and am just now getting back into thanks to seeing so many amazing woodcuts at Mo’Print last spring. While there’s lots to love about relief printmaking the thing that’s hooking me in this moment is the potential for expression bounded by constraints. I love the challenge of making images with stripped-to-the-elements qualities that say something about energy. And I love working with wood.
Wishing you and yours a cozy Thanksgiving. May you find joy in some small thing you find, make or do this weekend.